If you encounter any problems, please contact us in time.We will give you a satisfactory answer as soon as possible. If you have any complaints and suggestions, you can contact us through this method.

  • Contact us by WhatsAPP: +86 18028056901 
  • Contact us by Phone: +86 18028520850
  • Contact us by Email:
  • Our company address:3rd Floor, No. 28 Zhongxin Bei Road, Donglian Industrial District, Dashi Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou, China

  1. The above service hours are based on natural days (Monday-Sunday). Even on holidays, we will have a dedicated human customer service to solve your problems.
  2. If this service time is not within the normal work and rest hours of your area, you can leave a message in advance. We will solve it for you within 24 hours of receiving the information.

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